Ulrich Gottlieb

Ulrich Gottlieb, fborn in Germany. He is a senior 3D Pilates Instructor , Taiji Quan Practisioner and Instructor. Work in Art and Education. In Taiji Quan he focuses on exploring the balance by the aspects of healing and martial art in Taiji Quan.

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Faye Sun孫菲妍,專注在簡樸和踏實的風格,從她的運動造詣可見在她的姿勢當中,心裡從沒有明星的羨慕,卻只有教練中的教練的想法。因為她的教學矯治領域已經達到一個簡約無塵的境界,�

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Chan Pak Kin -3D Pilates Tutor

Mr Chan Pak Kin works in a private hospital as a certified CT radiographer, who has also been a member of the Hong Kong College of Radiographers and Radiation Therapist (CT). He finished his bachelor degree of science (Hon) in Radiography specialized in m

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助理導師 駱坤海曾為香港賽艇代表隊及香港體育學院精英運動員,全職九年香港賽艇代表隊,共12年扒艇經驗。曾參過2012倫敦奧運,三屆亞運,多次世界錦標賽及亞洲賽。 運動成績 比賽成績 20

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李棋華 Rosanne Lee

營養師 Nutitionist 個人介紹 營養師Rosanne Lee 相信透過推動科學營養飲食及復康運動方案,大家學會選擇優質食物營養,減少不需要的藥物,讓大家都可以擁有健康及自主的人生。 她創立營養公司

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